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Download nancy drew bento

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Updated by Lianna Tedesco, April 9th, 2020: With the release of Nancy Drew's most recent case, Midnight in Salem, it was time to take a look back on this list and double the fun! With more games added, included the newest edition to our mystery game lists, it's time to take a look back and see what was worth all that late-night sleuthing. Are we up for a sleuth? Absolutely. Time to revisit a personal top fifteen favorites list. Now that there are 32 main games and a Salem, MA-based mystery coming out in November, it's time to bare all and rank our favorite playthroughs. Many a time we have been brought face-to-face with Nancy's desk, rifled through her notes, and agree to take on many a problem in the search for a solution. RELATED: Mystery Solved: The 10 Best Detective Games

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When that title screen loads and the theme music signifying a brilliant mystery begins, all of sudden, we all become Junior (or Senior) detectives.

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An avid Nancy Drew fan will report, there are simply no 'bad' games by Her Interactive.

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